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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Online Shopping

Recently, I got a voucher from a survey site, the voucher was to be encased from a shopping site and that site was Indiatimes Shopping . I was happy in getting that voucher and thinking to buy something nice. After lot of tries, I was able to select some products after looking pictures of these products. Though, there was not much good stuff on the kitchen side on the site, as I was thinking to buy something for the kitchen. But I selected three products and gave them orders to ship me those, which shows on the site.

After a week, I got these products, with lot of excitement I opened the little boxes, I received from the site. But I was surprised to see the products and the quality of the product, the Indiatimes shopping, send to me. They charged so much of these products, they looks so cheap, not only cost wise but also quality wise. I think, in the market they were much cheaper than they charged from me. They removed the manufacturing dates and price tags from the boxes so that the customer could not see the price and manufacturing year.

One of the box contained manufacturing year as 06/09, I was very much surprised to see that, a branded site like Indiatimes shopping sent these products. Even they did not send the product which I selected, they sent me of different color product. It shows that they are dumping the old products to the customers with high price. The customer don't have any choice, as in my case, I myself selected the products. But how can I know the manufacturing dates and the quality of the product? I really felt cheated and made up my mind to never buy any product from Indiatimes shopping.

Therefore, if you are buying something online, be careful, first try the products in your area, otherwise you may fall with the tactics adopted by these online shopping sites.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Facts about CFL

Most of us have heard about CFL (Compact Florescent Lamp). But most of us don’t know the relationship between bulbs and Carbon dioxide. The bulbs not only consume more electricity but they produce more Carbon dioxide and heat, which causes harm to our environment and increase global warming. Heat produced by an ordinary bulb wastes 90% electricity.

When we use CFL Tubes instead of an ordinary bulb, then not only we save on our electricity bills, but decreasing global warming and also giving better environment to our next generation. The light produced by CFL is also pleasing. According to an estimate, in one year an 11-Watt CFL can save 20 Kgs of Carbon dioxides. A 15-Watt bulb consumes 1.5 unit of electricity, but a 15-Watt CFL consumes only ½ unit in a day. In villages, people don’t know the use of CFL and mostly use bulbs. According to them, the CFL is costly. They are right, but CFL is better option for bulbs. CFL saves electricity and its life is longer than bulb. I think the Government should take initiative in this regard, for reducing the price of CFL and spread the message among public for use of CFL instead of bulbs.

Though, it should be the duty of every citizen to save our precious environment, little efforts by everyone in this regard could save a lot. I hope you will use CFL in your home instead of bulbs and also tell all this to your children, friends and family. At last Earth is Ours, we have to protect it from any danger. I also hope if you will do this you will get a different feeling.

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Monday, October 29, 2007

Karva Chauth

Today is 29th October 2007 and this day is celebrated as Karva Chauth Vrat or fasting ritual for married women in India. The meaning of Karva is clay pot and Chauth is Fourth. That’s why Karva Chauth is celebrated on the fourth night after the full moon in Kartik month (Hindu calendar).

The old stories about Karva Chauth is that a queen once prayed to a Godess to win back her husband who was bewitched by another woman. According to another story, married women confront Yama, the Hindu Lord of death, for their husband's longevity. It also reveals the power of women to make even death bow down to their strength.

Karva Chauth is perhaps the most romantic of all Indian Festivals and is celebrated by the North Indian Community. On this day married women traditionally apply mehendi (henna) on their hands. Women pray and fast for their husband’s long life. The fast begins at sunrise. Some women do not eat or drink anything including water until the moon rises at night. Women enjoy the rituals and the accompanying festival.

At night when the moon rises, the wives see it either reflected on water or through a sieve, or offer their prayers. They then see their husbands face again reflected in the water or through the sieve with the moon, and pray for his long life. The husband then breaks her fast by giving her a sip of water and places something sweet in her mouth.

Karva Chauth is very popular, even young women whose marriages are in the offing observe the fast for their would-be husbands.

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Thursday, October 25, 2007

Our Love for Birds

Today one thing clicked in my mind. How much we care for our nature. But there are people who care for the nature, some take it seriously and for some it’s just to watch and enjoy, not to care for. Recently in my balcony and kitchen window pigeons have laid eggs. One thing what I noticed was that, most of the time pigeons sit on the egg till the chicks are not out, and it took more than 20 days to the chicks to come out from the eggs. How difficult to sit on a place without moving? But that’s care and love, they care for that, even though they know that after sometime they will fly and will not be with them.

Daily I see them and put water for them, it gives me peace, something I feel in my heart that I am doing some good work, a satisfaction, which can be felt and cannot be described. I remember some moments of my childhood, when I was living in village; I use to feed to peacocks and other birds on the roof. Even sometimes when I have wheat in my hand, the peacock used to come to me and feed from my hand, wow!! I still remember the feeling when peacock put his beak on my palm, its wonderful feeling.

The dance of peacock is marvelous; you might have read in books that when peacock dances, the female peacock shed tears, but I have seen all this. But now when I visit village, I don’t find much peacocks, and their sweet voice. Sound from my heart comes:Where are those days?” (kahan gaye woh din…). May be shortage of water and less trees are the reasons for their demise.

Though in cities the birds don’t have much places to make their nests. We are having big buildings all around and less greeneries (where the birds make their nests). That’s why we do not see many birds in cities in comparison to villages.

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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Studying Abroad !!

I want to share about the experiences of students who went abroad for study. Recently my neighbor’s son went to Australia for MBA. His parents arranged all the money for his study and for stay. When he reached there, he was very eager to see a new country (which he might have dreamed of), lots of dreams are there in his mind. Other Indian students were also there, they were from different parts of India. First few days were very hard for him; he was not being able to adjust himself, as was the case with other students. They thought for some part time work so that they can bear some of their expenses. But the work they could get was car cleaning, house cleaning and so on, which they have never expected to do, not even in India. They all felt lonely, away from home and were seen like outsiders with a different looks (which can be expected in a foreign country).

After staying there for sometime he realized that most of the students don't want to study there, but their parents have forced them for study in a foreign country. Every night after talking to their parents in India the tears flow from their eyes, they cried in depress and in the end started drinking, so that they could sleep in the night. (What a terrific situation for them). My neighbor’s son told the whole story to his parents on phone and requested that he wants to come back and study in India only. Another reason given by him was that the scope of study in Australia was not of much useful in India (I don’t know that was right or wrong). His parents agreed (though they have already spent 4 Lacs Rupees). Upon hearing of his return other students congrats him that he is very lucky. But the others could not do, because they know their parents have made such expenses on their study.

The conclusion I got was, this situation might not be with everyone, it may happen to someone when you are going away from home. That’s what we call home sickness. It’s only the initial days you have to take pains. One who concentrate of study and have some dreams might succeed. Thanks for reading patiently, got some idea to tell??

Monday, October 22, 2007

Memories of School Days

Today I want to share with you days of my primary school. I was born in a small village. Our village is situated near the bank of a river. At that time the river flows. But it has dried up now. There was no school in our village and I have to go in a school situated in a nearby village, aprrox. 3 Kms. away. Yes, it was by foot at that time there was no vehicle. With my friends, I tried to reach school early so that we can play there; you know what game we play? We play with a ball made of cloths; it’s like playing football. We enjoyed this game so much.

We bring roti (chapatti), onion and lassi in bottle with us for lunch. After reaching school, we put lassi under sand so that it keeps cool till lunch and I tell you it works and the taste was wonderful of that lassi. It has a different fragrance in it, still remember that one. But nowadays that taste is not available; everything seems to be artificial now. Just before the end of school we were given dalia or something else to eat. For making our handwriting better, we write on a wood plate (1x2 ft in size). A sticks pen is used to write on the plate with the help of Black ink. After reaching back home from school, we have to wash that plate for the next day.

In winters, the water of river was chilled; to cross the river, we made a small bridge with the help of stones where the water was flowing less. What an experience it was!! I remember an incident of summers; I did not know swimming (I still cannot), one day we were taking bath in the river, some of my friends pushed me in deep water and I started throwing my hands to come out…uhh it was terrible for me… though they caught me and drew me out of water. After that incident I never took bath in the river. There are lots of such incidents, which I remember. You might also have such, share them with me.

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Sunday, October 21, 2007

Water Shortage Part-II (Effect of Cold Drinks)

This is in continuation of my earlier post Water Shortage Part-I . Another issue of great concern for shortage of underground water is the Cold Drinks manufacturing Companies. You might be surprised to know that but its true that these companies are using most of the underground water. These companies installed their plants only on those locations where the underground water available in good quantity. After installing the plants these companies start pumping out underground water without any limit. They not only pump out the water of their area but the water of the nearby locations without any limit. In other words, these companies are pumping out that water on whom they don’t have any rights and making huge profit on the water that doesn’t belongs to them. By doing this they are making the wells dry in those locations, which causes another adverse effect i.e. the farmers are not getting enough water from their wells and they are not being able to farm their crops. You know the results if the crops are not being seeded???

Strangely in our country we don’t have any such law that can restrict these companies from pumping out limited water. There should be law, which prescribe a certain quantity of water to be pumped out from the underground and not unlimited quantity. Even we, who consumes cold drinks, are also responsible and part of the shortage of underground water. When we drink a cold drink we should know that from where this cold drink has been manufactured, in that place, the farmers are not getting water and are not being able to farm their crops. Do we know that? By reducing cold drinks you will give your contribution in increasing underground water. “I don’t think cold drink have any good effect on our body”. May be I am wrong. I know you have some questions in your mind; I want to hear that from you, just express your views through your comments.

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