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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Life after Death

You might have heard about Life after Death. Many of us think that there is life after death though there are also people who think opposite. In childhood I have heard that after death ‘he-she became star in the sky’ or he may live another life of dog, cat, birds or… on. Then after some understanding I heard that there is soul…power in our body, which controls us, which I still believe. There are also some Books on these topics.

There are some other reasons to believe that we have soul and after death we get another life of any other creature. This belief got more strength due to some incidents happened in many parts of the world. In Rajasthan (India), more than two incidents happened where men after their death taken another birth in another village. And after a certain age of their rebirth they talked about their previous life. They know the names of their previous parents and relatives, even the name of his wife. When they went to their previous home, they recognized the path and showed everything what they did and where they lived, and recognized their relatives even by name. It looks strange!!! What will be situation of their previous ancestor, when they saw their own kin in a new avatar? How they could remember all this after death? There is something in this world, which controls that.

In another case, a person died due to some injury and in his re-birth the marks of the injury were on the same spot. Can you believe all this?????? When I read all this in newspaper I could not believe and really was so excited. I was eager to know all this….its new thing for me…till now I have heard about life after death in Books but these are the real incidents which have occurred. And these incidents forced us to believe there is life after death and if there is life there is GOD… the SUPERPOWER exists. That’s why we believe in GOD.

Though the scientist don’t believe on all these, they should not….b’cos they have been taught what you see and what you can prove, is the real thing. It also shows that what our Sadhu-Sants have said about life after death is true. They know the life; they might have the experience of these things.

Have you heard any such incidents? Share them with me.

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Unknown said...

Yes, I agree with what you have written because I myself have seen such incidents in my village and this makes me to believe after death.

Anonymous said...

I do believe in life after death.....but I believe that human beings come back again as human beings only and not as any other animal......Rashmi

zmg said...

Did you talk to the dog who he was in his life before?

Ed said...

Good Topic!!

I would rather believe that there is life after death and be wrong than believe there is no life after death and be wrong!
Jesus said when He walked the earth "I am the Resurection and the Life"!
Grace and Peace,

Champ said...

Thanks Ed for your comments, and agree with you, even I have felt most of us feel there is certainly life.